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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 17-19, 1791

Remarks &c in Table Bay – Cape Good Hope

Saturday 17th December 1791
Moderate breezes and fine weather sailed a Dutch ship for Batavia. Sent a Lieutenant in the Cutter to an English vessel in the offing – At 8 fresh gales with heavy squalls, struck lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts – 5 AM. More Moderate the Cutter returned at 7. Moderate and cloudy up lower yards & Top Gallant Masts received a turn of water per Launch. Served fresh Mutton Soft Bread, Greens for the soup &c. Sent 3 Hogsheads of water on board the Assistant – Arrived a French ship.

Sunday 18th – Moderate breezes and hazy weather – received on board our Live Stock – 4 fresh breezes and cloudy – Cleared Hawse and struck Top Gallant Masts – Squally – 12 fresh gales and squally – Very clear weather. At 8 AM. moderate breezes and fine weather up Top Gallant Masts – Up all Chests & Bags and washed fore and aft. Sent the Launch with a Kedge & Towline to assist His Majesty's Armed Snow Wakesome Head, commanded and purchased by John Hunter Esquire at Batavia – Served Mutton &c. as usual – Moderate and pleasant weather

Monday 19th Moderate breezes and hazy weather – 4 Fresh breezes – Cleared Hawse. At [blank] strong gales with heavy squalls, struck Top Gallant Masts, Lower Yards and Top Masts – At 6 AM, hazy weather shifted and scrubbed Hammocks – Cleaned below – Served Fresh Mutton, soft Bread, &c. as usual – 10 fine weather at 12 hard gales and clear weather

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