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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 28-Dec 1, 1791

Remarks &c

Monday 28th – Moderate and fair received 458 Gallons of Spirits Anchored a french ship from Marseilles and sailed a french ship and brig with Slaves for Martinique Sent William Mitchell Seaman to Sick Quarters – Fair weather
Fresh Breezes and cloudy – 4 light airs & fair. AM. received Mutton &c. Carpenters employed caulking and painting, Sailmakers at work for the Assistant

Tuesday 29th – Light breezes and fair weather. – At AM (8) fresh breezes – received fresh Mutton &c Employed as before – cleaned ship – received water per Launch Fresh gales and cloudy, sailed a Dutch Indiaman for Batavia

Wednesday 30th Moderate breezes and fair weather Anchored here a french ship. Fresh gales & dark cloudy weather overhauled a range of the sheet Cable – Light airs and cloudy, heard several Guns in the Offing – AM Light breezes and fair anchored here a Dutch ship – Calm and fair received fresh Mutton &c. Carpenters painting and sailmakers at the Tent. Had a thorough wash and clean below – received water per Launch – Moderate & fair weather

Thursday 1st December 1791 – Light winds and fair weather received water per Launch – At 8 anchored here L'Atalanta a french Frigate of 32 Guns from the Isle of France – 6 AM. a light breeze with a smart shower of rain received Mutton &c. Cleaned ship. Employed as before. Sailed the Three Brothers for Boston – Fresh breezes and fair weather.

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