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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 12, 1791

Friday 12th August 1791

 1 pm: Light Airs – Employed as necessary.

 2 pm: At 2 Tacked ship and stood to the Southward

 8 pm: Cloudy weather in 2nd reef Topsails

10 pm: Hazy weather with small rain

11 pm: Tacked ship

12 mid: The breeze freshening with frequent squalls & flashes of lightening from the NW – up Main sail & handed it – in 3rd reef Fore & Mizen Topsails

 6 am: Sat the Main Sail and sent down Fore Top Gallant yards

10 am: During the night shortened sail occasionally for the Assistant to come up

12 noon:   Latitude Observed: 46°.41′ North

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