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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 5, 1791

Friday 5 August 1791

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather.

 2 pm: People employed working up Junk into Mats &c

 4 pm: Hazy weather

 8 pm: Saw the Start bearing NW¾W – 8 Leagues

12 mid: Sounded 33 fathoms rough ground

 4 am: 37 fathoms red stones with broken shells.

 6 am: Light breezes and foggy –
Throughout this day the Assistant found much difficulty in keeping way with us, and we were accordingly obliged to shorten sail

12 noon: At Noon H M Ship Winchelsea spoke us & we sent the Jolly boat on board of her with Letters

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