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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 27-Jun 4, 1791

Remarks &c

May 1791

Friday 27  Moderate and cloudy weather. employed in the Holds AM. Ditto Weather received stores and some Fresh Beef – Carpenters & Joiners employed as usual

Saturday 28th  Fresh breezes and clear employed stowing the Hold and rattling down the Fore rigging Got the spritsail yard across and received stores from the yard – AM strong gales and clear received 100 bags of bread and sundry other Provisions, also 5 tons of Iron Ballast – rattled down ye Main & Mizen rigging – received 2 fathoms of wood

Sunday 29  Moderate and pleasant weather. AM. Ditto Weather. several men on leave for a few hours

Monday 30  Moderate and cloudy weather. received sundry Provisions and stores – rattled down the top mast rigging. Carpenters &c still on board

Tuesday 31  Light winds and cloudy weather. scraped the Top Masts. Employed in the Hold filling the 3 tier of water – received Fresh Beef – Ships Draught of water Forward 13 feet:03 Inches Aft 13:06

June 1791

Wednesday 1  Ditto Weather. received on board 14 Casks of Molasses and 2 fathoms of wood from Mr. Perrys yard. AM. Calm and clear – Employed about the rigging and stowing the Hold – Carpenters & Joiners employed as before

Thursday 2  Calm and hazy. received 7 fathoms of wood and Warrant Officer stores & 4 [?] Cables – Employed servicing the running rigging – AM Ditto Weather. received 2 fathoms of wood. Carpenters employed on board

Friday 3rd  Fresh breezes and hazy – received on board Boatswains and Carpenters Stores, Provisions of different kinds, and some empty casks. AM. Ditto Weather. received Fresh Beef – Employed about the rigging and in the Hold.

Saturday 4  Moderate & cloudy Employed [?] & stowing Provisions. received Spirits and 3 fathoms of wood – Employed stowing the Hold and filling water.

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