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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 23-May 5, 1791

A Journal & Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Providence, Captain William Bligh; fitting out and bound for Otaheite in the South Seas

Remarks &c

April 1791

16  My Commission was this day dated for the Providence which lay on the stocks at Blackwall

23rd  This day the ship was launched and expedited for Coppering at Woolwich Yard

28  I visited the ship at Woolwich she having been coppered and ready for transporting to Deptford to be fitted – the inferior Warrant officers were this day entered – made my appearance also at the Cheque's Office

29th  The ship arrived to day at Deptford. Artificers employed on board to complete the joinery and other work.

May 1791

Monday 2  Entered to day 5 Men but was obliged to give them permission to sleep on shore as we had no place of safety to secure our Provisions when on board as the vessel was in a very unfinished state – Shipwrights, Joiners, &c employed on board from the Merchants yard.

Wednesday 4  Moderate mp hazy – Artificers on board as before. Joined ye Ship George Tobin 3rd Lieutenant, and entered [8?] Men

Thursday 5  Fresh Breezes and Cloudy with rain at times; entered some Seamen. Employed clearing the Hold of dirt &c – found the want of a Hulk fore the people very inconvenient

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