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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 3-Sep 6, 1793

Remarks Saturday August 3d 1793

Moderate and Fine Weather. Wind EbN ESE & [Easterly?]

PM sailed the Invincible & Convoy to the Westward. Arrived HM Ship Russel. Discharged twenty two supernumeraries into the Alfred by order of Admiral Peyton.

AM Weighed & Sailed, worked through the full [?] and at 11 Anchored in 9 fathoms the North Foreland South 4 or 5 Miles. Buoy of Margate Sands SWbS 1 Mile.

At day light weighed for the Queens Channel. At 9 hour..30′ passed the Nore & Cheered Admiral Dalrymple in HM Ship Sandwich. Found lying here a Forty four, two twenty four Gun Ships Three Frigates & a Sloop of War

At Noon Anchored in Tilberry reach in 5 fathoms. The Assistant in Company. Ships draught of Water forward 14 feet..10 Inches, Aft 15..10, 1..0. Thermometer 65° to 70°

Remarks Saturday August 4th 1793

Fresh Breezes & fair Weather. Squally with Thunder and Lightning & heavy Rain in the middle part.

At 6 PM weighed. At 9 hour it fell Calm & the Ship fell on Barking Shelf where she lay untill 11½ hour when she floated & we dropt into Gallions Beach & anchored in 5 fathoms. Found lying here 16 Sail of Transports. AM up all Chests & Bags and washed below. Aired with Fires. At Noon Fresh Gale & Cloudy Weather.

Remarks Monday August 5th 1793 in Gallions Reach

Moderate and Cloudy Weather.

PM moored Ship a ½ Cable each Way in 3 fathoms at low water Neat Tides. AM Employed discharging Powder & Gunners Stores into [?] for that Purpose. Also 16 Carriage guns all the swivels & Arms.

Tuesday August 6th

Variable Weather.

At 4 AM came on board James Brace Pilot. Unmoored. At 10 Weighed & at Noon ahead of Woolwich—carried away the Jib Boom & Spritsail Yard.

Remarks Wednesday August 7th 1793

Fine Weather with some Fog. Wind Variable. Thermometer 64 to 65°.
At 2 PM took in the Moorings at Deptford. AM Mustered by the Clerk of the Cheque. Washed & Cleaned Ship. Assistant in Company.

Remarks at Deptford August 1793

Untill the 13th Instant the Yard & Victualling office did not receive orders to receive our Stores.

On the 9th. Delivered into a Lighter for His Majestys Garden at Kew 686 Pots Tubs & Boxes containing Plants in the finest condition. Sent Officers & a guard with them up to Kew.

Our Otaheite Friend became so ill I was obliged to send him to Lodgings & Sick Quarters at Deptford.

Monday 2nd. September John Stowers Pilot carried the Ship to Woolwich and I reported her ready for paying.

Wednesday 4th. Our Otaheite Friend died at Deptford. On Thursday I sent a surgeon from Town to see him opened. His Lungs were found decayed.

Friday 6th.

The Commissioners attended and payed the Ship off, and in the Evening our Otaheite Friend was buried in Deptford New Church Yard in the Parish of St. Pauls. I shall ever remember him with esteem & regard.

This Voyage has terminated with success, without accident, or a moments seperation of the two Ships. It gives the first & only satisfactory account of the pass between New Guinea & New Holland, if I except some Vague accounts of Tores in 1606. Other interesting Discoveries will be found in it.

Sept. 9th 1793 Wm Bligh Sig Captain.

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