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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 28, 1793

Remarks Sunday 28th July 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather. People Employed mending their Clothes.

 3 pm: Foggy Weather.

 4 pm: Thick Wetting Mist. Saw a Mur and many Sheerwaters after Fish. Made the Assistants Signal to carry a light as soon as it became dark

 7 pm: Sounded with 160 fathoms Line No Bottom

 9 pm: Moderate and Cloudy. Out Reefs and Set Top Gallant Sails

12 mid: Light Breezes and Cloudy Weather

 5 am: Sounded 105 fathoms a very (light straw colour) fine sandy bottom

 6 am: Saw a Gannet and a Murr. Set Steering Sails & Royals

 7 am: Served Hot Breakfast as usual. Saw a Sail from the Mast head in the South.

 9 am: Cleaned Ship and Mustered the Ships Company. Saw them all with proper apparel and Performed Divine Service.

12 noon: Fine Weather. Sounded 93 fathoms bottom exactly as before.
  Assistant and Ships as Yesterday
 Saw Two Gannets and a Curleiu. Saw a Bird like a Brown Booby.

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