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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 20, 1793

Remarks Saturday 20th July 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather. People Employed Washing their Clothes.

 3 pm: Saw a Sail in the North.

 4 pm: Chased Proved to be a Brig from North Carolina bound to Oporto with pipe Staves. Had not a word of information Was out 16 days from Pasquintan and was in Longitude 29°..30′W

 8 pm: Very Heavy Dew.

12 mid: Fresh Gale and fine >Weather

 3 am: Squally in Top Gallant Steering Sails and Royals.

 5 am: Fresh Breezes. Set Ditto........Ditto

 7 am: Served Hot Breakfast of thick Portable Soup Gruel.

 8 am: Exercised Great Guns

10 am: Very Squally and thick Weather. In Royals

12 noon: Fair Intervals. Set Royals. Assistant, Packet and Thomas in Company, Clementson a Stern.

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