Revised Aug 28 2021
1 pm: Moderate and fair Weather with much Haze.
5 pm: At ½ past 5 Saw the land in the SbW.
6 pm: At ½ past 6 a high round Hill (afterwards known to be the Pass of Matanza) SbW½W off Shore 4 or 5 Leagues.
7 pm: At 7 hauled the Wind off Shore under Double Reefed Top Sails.
9 pm: The Packet, Thomas, and Clementson joined us.
4 am: Bent a New Mizen Top Sail
8 am: Puncta de Yeacos S78°E, Pan of Matanzes S12°W, West point of the Bay of Matanzes SSW distant 3 or 4 Leagues. Sounded no Ground at 120 fathoms Line. Camerreoqua Hills S36°E.
10 am: Employed Exercising.
12 noon: Fair Weather and Hazy. The Pan of Matanzes S30°W, Land near Puncta de Yeacos
SE¾E, West point of the Bay of Matanzes S19°W 3 leagues nearly.
Assistant & prize Schooner, the Packet & 2 other Ships in Company.
Contrary to my expectation when we made the land, we were to Eastward of the Havanna and abreast of the Matanzes. The Land was so exceedingly hazed that no part could be seen distinct. The Pan was tolerably conspicuous, and another Hill to the Eastward of it, but they appeared so different to my Idea of the Pan, and the Master and Pilot of the Schooner confirming to me that it was land to the Westward of the Havannah, it was not untill the morning that I was sensible of my mistake.
From several private letters which we found on board the Schooner, it now appeared clear to me that I had judged too unfavorably of the intention of the Master. The Vessel was intended for no other purpose, but to go to Jamaica to purchase dry Goods and Smuggle them into Cuba. Under these consideration I liberated the Vessel after throwing her Guns overboard. I gave the Master his choice to return to the Havanna or go to Providence, he chose the latter for he declared if he returned to the Havanna he would be made a prisoner of, as it would prove he was on the illicit Trade. The Vessel was too small and worthless for me to bring her any farther with my own People. The Master requested to accompany us through the Gulf.
The Camerreoque Hills is the High Land to the Eastward of the Bay of Matanzes, from whence the Coast becomes low towards Puncta de Yeacos.
I presume the Time Keepers agree nearly with the longitude of the Havannah laid down by Requisite Tables
82°..18′W, but as I was not sure that would be the case, I governed myself by the
Longitude between Cape Antonio and the Havanna according to Sayers Map.