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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 17, 1793

Remarks Monday 17th June 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather. Saw the Assistant and the Rochampton a dismasted Ship. Made the Signal to come within hail. Rainy and unsettled Weather.

 3 pm: At 3 Lieut. Portlock came on board. I ordered him to keep by the dismasted Ship and to give her in tow to one of the Guinea Men in the morning to follow me to the West end of the Grand Caymana.

 6 pm: Very heavy Rain. Double Reefed the Top Sails & kept them on the Cap.

11 pm: Top Sails on the Cap and so braced as to give us 1 Mile of distance per hour for the Night to enable me to keep our Latitude for the South side of the Island.

 4 am: Very Squally with thick Rain. At day light bore away.

 5 am: The Thomas took the Rochampton in tow.

 9 am: At ½ past 9 Saw the Grand Caymanes from W½S to NWbW off Shore about 7 Miles.

10 am: At 10 hour..45′ the East end bore true North distant 2 or 3 Miles. I made Sail to get a Pilot & proceeded to lead the Ships. Some Cannoes off with Turtle. Saw a Sail in the SE. Opened a Cask Beef No. 1392 Contents 66 Double pieces.

11 am: Dryed all Wet Cloathes.

12 noon: Moderate & Cloudy Weather. The Grand Caymanes Southmost point S81°W Bowden Town N75°W 2 Miles and SE point N64E.
 Assistant and Ships in Company as before.


About One O'Clock we saw the Assistant and her charge as I expected. They had got some small Spars and Sails as Jury Masts and were under less apprehension about leakyness of the Ship. The Weather was very unfavorable we however made the Caymana in the Morning, and as I had ordered the Thomas to take the Rochampton in tow we got on expeditiously.

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