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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Jan 24-29, 1793

Remarks in Kingstown Bay Island St. Vincents

1793 January

Thursday 24th Squally Weather with Rain and fair intervals. Employed Watering and landing Plants. Hauled the Seine but had no success. Unbent the Old Fore Sail to repair.

Friday 25th Ditto Weather. Employed Watering, landing our Plants and receiving others for His Majestys Garden at Kew. Received 248 pounds of Fresh Beef. Supplied the Assistant with 50 pounds. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer.

Saturday 26th Ditto Weather but the Rain not so heavy in the Squalls Employed Watering, sending Plants on Shore and received others on board for Kew Garden. Loosed Sails to dry. Washed the Ship and dried with Fires. Served fresh Beef and Greens. Sailmakers repairing the Old Fore Sail. PM Longitude by Time Keepers 61°..30′..51″,5 W

Sunday 27th Moderate and fair Weather. Employed Watering and washing and mending Clothes. Sailed the Apollo of Bristol for Norfolk in Virginia. Received 249 pounds Fresh Beef Supplied the Assistant with 50 pounds. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer.
At 1 AM fell over board and was drowned Henry Smith Armourer.
 Sailmakers employed mending Sails.

Monday 28th Ditto Weather. Completed Watering. Washed below and dried with Fires. Sailmakers repairing Sails. Aired Sails. Served Fresh Beef and Greens to the Ships Company.

Tuesday 29th Squally with Rain and fair intervals. Bent the Old Fore Sail. PM Sailed the Ann of Liverpool for Liverpool. Received 215 pounds of Fresh Beef. Supplied the Assistant with 46 pounds. Found John Thompson Seaman absent without leave (one of the Matildas Men) Received the last of the Plants for his Majestys Garden at Kew. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer. Weighed the Stream Anchor and hove into ½ Cable on the Bower. Hoisted in the Launch. Ships draught of Water forward 15 feet..03 Inches, Aft 15..06
The above is Log Account of Time.


On the 24th in the morning We began to land the Plants. A number of Negroes were employed on this service, and they carried the Pots on their heads to the Botanick Garden distant about 2 Miles from the beach, by this means the Plants were not injured, which a Cart or any other mode of conveyance might have effected. In the return of the People they brought back in the same manner all the Plants Dr. Anderson had ready for His Majesty's Garden at Kew.

A Deputation from the Honorable Council and Assembly waited on me the day after my arrival and presented to me a resolution and a request to accept of a piece of Plate value 100 Guineas as a mark of their approbation and esteem. They likewise did me the honor to give a publick Dinner to all my Officers, and during our stay were unremitting in their attention and kindness. Two Bullocks were given to us in behalf of the Ships Companies, so that every one benefitted by their hospitality.

The Plants I left at this Place for which I received a Certificate from the Governor and Superintendant of the Botanick Garden were as follow.—

Breadfruit two of which are from Timor 333
Rattah 25
Ayyah 38
Av,vee 9
Oraiah 3
Pee,ah 7
Cocoa Nutt 4
Mango of Timor 15
Jamblang Do. 10
Jambo Iremavah Do. 5
Jambo Maree Do. 9
Blimbing Do. 2
Chermailah Do. 3
Karambolah Do. 1
Lemon China or Nonesang Do. 3
Cosambee Do. 2
Seeree-boah Do. 2
Seeree-down Do. 2
Peenang Do. 4
Nanka Do. 40
Dangreedah Do. 1
Bughn,ah-kanangah Do. 1
Guavah of St. Helena 1
Coffee of Do. 5
Almonds Do. 2
Plantains Do. 3
Ettow (Otaheite) 7
Mattee (Otaheite) 3
Sow or Sao New Guinea 2
Total  544

James Seton     
Alexander Anderson 

I received for His Majesty's Garden at Kew 465 Pots and two Tubs containing Botanick Plants.


Kingstown Bay is very convenient and safe for Shipping. From point to point in the direction of SE½S and NW½N it is between 2 and 3 Miles across. The Shores are bold to with deep Water untill near the Town, where you man Anchor from 15 to 10 fathoms very commodiously. In working into the Bay keep on the South Shore, as a Current has almost a constant drain out on the North, & sometimes runs strong. The best Watering place is towards the East part of the Town. The Water is very good, but it is necessary to prevent the Negroes from Washing in the Stream above where the Casks are filled, otherwise they will sometimes render it offensive.

A Stranger in coming round the South part of the Island, to know the Bay is only to attend to the bearing of the largest of the Grandine Islands called Bequio, a great part of it is shut on with the South point of the Bay when at Anchor. Besides this, it is the first fair open Bay that presents itself.

There is a well constructed Battery on the North point on a commanding Ground called Berkshire Hill, with good Barracks and Cisterns for holding Water, and on the East side on a more elevated situation, called Dorsetshire Hill, there are likewise Barracks and a fine healthy situation. On the whole it is a very fine Island.

The Speaker and Gentlemen of the Assembly
His Honor the President and Council.

This House is of Opinion that Captain Bligh Commander of His Majesty's Ship Providence arrived from Otaheite with the Bread Fruit Plants, in consequence of his unparalelled sufferings in his first Voyage, and his unwearied perseverance to the final accomplishment of his Object calls for some lasting mark of the sense this Island entertain for such distinguished Merit I propose to present to him a piece of Plate of the Value of One Hundred Guineas, at the expence of the Colony, if your Board concurs with us we request you will appoint one of your Members to join Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Windsor to wait on Capt. Bligh with a Copy of this Resolution.

23rd January 1793

Geo Lowman

His Honor the President and Council
The Speaker and Gentlemen of the Assembly

This Board concurs with your House in presenting Capt. Bligh Commander of His Majesty's Ship Providence with a piece of Plate of the Value of One Hundred Guineas at the expence of the Colony and have appointed The Honorable Robert Paul Esquire to join Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Windsor to wait on Capt. Bligh with a Copy of the Resolution.

Council Chamber
23d January 1793.
By Command
   Walter Waters
   Deputy Clerk of the Council

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