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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Nov 28, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 28th November 1792 Towards [Cape of Good Hope]

 1 pm: Strong Gales and Squally with some Showers of Rain. Few Albetrosses Sheerwaters and Mother Careys Chicken.

 4 pm: Gale increasing. Handed Main Sail. In Sprit Sail Top Sail Yard. Got all small Sails and Top Hamper below.

 6 pm: Made the Signal to the Assistant and Wore Ship for I expected the advantage of a Current setting to the WSW and SW. Laid too under close Reefed Fore Sail and Mizen Stay Sail.

12 mid: Violent Winds with Squalls of Rain and Lightning. A High Sea.

 4 am: Very hard Gale and clear Weather.

 8 am: More Moderate. Hot Breakfast as usual and other extra Provisions. Cleaned and Aired below with Fires.

10 am: Set Main Top Sail.

12 noon: Strong Gales and fair Weather. Set Fore and Mizen Top Sails and Out 2nd. Reef of the Fore Sail. Assistant in Company.

 My Plants have been shut up close these few days past, they are nevertheless doing well, but these adverse Winds are much against them

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