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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Oct 3-6, 1792

Remarks in Coupang Road Island Timor

1792 October

Wednesday 3rd Light Winds NW'ly from Noon to 4 PM and from 8 AM to Noon. The rest of the 24 Hours SE, Easterly with Calms about Sun rise.

The Thermometer varied from 78 to 82 Degrees but it always had been; and is kept in the coolest part of the Ship near to a Scuttle in the Cabbin. The Air however felt very much heated, and the Breezes that came from the Land, from the schorched up state of the Country were like coming from an Oven.

As I was determined to make my stay here as short as possible, I directed every empty Water Cask to be sent on Shore with the utmost dispatch, and that the duty might be the more expeditiously exerted, as we could only Water but at Tide time, or get a sufficiency of Wood but at another Island, I requested the Governor to assist us by sending Vessels away for Wood, and other to bring Water on board.

In the Morning I got both Ships supplied with fresh Beef. Employed Starting Water and cleaning Casks.

It was a pleasant circumstance to me to find the Person, who had assisted me so kindly when here in the Bounty's Launch, to be now Governor, Mr. Timotheus Wanjon. Out of the Little society that were then living four were now dead, among whom was the Surgeon Mr. Max who in a most friendly manner attended our Sick and dressed our Sores.

Thursday 4 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather Wind NNW umtill midnight, the remaining part light Breezes at East, NE and ESE. Squally and freshening towards Noon. Thermometer 75 to 83½ Degrees.

Employed busily in the Holds, sending Water Casks on Shore, Cooper repairing Casks, Filling Water on Shore and loading Country Sloops. Sent Pots on Shore for Plants. Received Fresh Beef and Greens for both Ships. Sent a party to cut wood on Shore, and hired Malays to bring it down to the Water side, as no European could bear the fatigue.

Friday 5 First and latter part fresh Breezes and fair Weather the middle light Airs. Wind in the Eastern quarter. The Thermometer 76 to 80 Degrees. Heat very oppressive. Employed Watering, and got off two Country Sloop loaded with Water besides our own Launch. Kept the Party cutting Wood, assisted by Malays to carry it, but as it was very scarce and a poor kind, they cut but little, and our principal dependence was on a Country Schooner and a Sloop which Sailed Yesterday for Pulo Samow. Served fresh Beef and Greens as before. Sailed the Dutch Snow for Batavia.

Saturday 6 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather the Wind in the Eastern Quarter. Thermometer from 78 to 80½ Degrees.

Received on board Water by two Country Sloops and some Wood by our Small Boats. Launch also employed as we can spare hands having a great deal to do.

Towards the Evening the Snow got clear of the Bay. Served Fresh Beef and Greens to both Ships as before.

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