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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 29, 1792

Remarks Saturday 29th September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather with Haze. All Sails set.

 4 pm: Several Boobies seen.

 7 pm: In Studding Sails and 2nd Reefs Top Sail. Swell from the ESE. Hailed Lieut. Portlock and desired him to keep SWbW for the Night

 6 am: Out Reefs and set Steering Sails. Many Flying Fish and Tropic Birds.

 8 am: Served Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast as usual.

 9 am: Cleaned and shifted the Peoples Hammocks and Aired their bedding. Cooper repairing Casks.

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather but very Hazy.
 Hauled up to endeavour to make the Land. Saw three Curlieus.
 Assistant in Company


I did not think it probable we should make the Land this day, but as I was not certain as to it[s] situation, and now determined to go on the South side, I altered the course at Night to what I knew was the direction of the Coast, and Steered direct for the land again at day light; so that we lost no time, or run any risk, frequently sounding with 100 fathoms of line without finding any bottom. At Noon the Curlieus we saw indicated Land being near to us, and by my estimation I was confident we could have seen Timor if it had not been for a prodigious thick Haze, the Coast in the Latitude being Mountainous.

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