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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 3, 1792

Remarks Monday 3rd September 1792 Coast of New Guinea

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fair Weather with much Haze. The Assistant made the Signal for seeing a Sandy Key in the SW. We saw it also from our Mast Heads about 2 Leagues distant. Hauled the Wind to the NE and soon after was obliged to throw all a back to clear a shoal patch that had no break on it. Soundings Coral bottom Mr. Portlock saw a Whale

 8 pm: Moderate and fine Night

10 pm: Tacked

12 mid: Tacked Noddies about the Ship

 2 am: Tacked

 4 am: Tacked

 6 am: Spoke the Assistant and sent her a head with my large Cutter to sound before her. Saw a Grampus or Specie of Whale

 8 am: Moderate and fine Weather no Land in sight

11 am: At 40 minutes past 11 saw Breakers in the NbW. Assistant made the Signal to denote danger. Hauled upon a Wind.

12 noon: Fair Weather and light Winds. A dangerous Reef from WNW to N½W 2 Leagues distant seen from the lower Yard, not from the Deck Boats in the WSW 3 Miles off making the Signal for 25 Fathoms no appearance of Land. Soundings Corral Rock.


As we advanced to the Southward we saw a Sandy Key in the SW about 2 Leagues distant, this I conceived to be connected with what we had seen the proceeding Noon, it was therefore exremely hazardous to do more before dark, than to look out for a clear Sea to keep the Ships safe for the Night, for altho we had depths to Anchor in, the bottom was so rocky as to ensure no hope of security, I therefore stood to the Northward and spent the Night with short Tacks, having directed Lieut. Portlock to lead and Tack per Signal, which he has ever done with great attention when ordered, and at all times most satisfactorily has he done his duty.

In the Morning I directed the Assistant to lead to the NW in hopes of determining something about the land, but towards Noon we were again retarded in our progress by seeing Breakers about 10 Miles extent from SW to NE in the Latitude of 9°00′S and Longitude 144°..10E by Time Keepers. Towards this Shoal we had very bad Soundings of Coral bottom. I could see no Land. The Assistant was on the look out with Boats a head sounding, and every thing had an unfavorable aspect. Our hopes and fears in these situations are various, but as a Navigator cannot expect very agreeable circumstances he can only make himself happy by comparison that they are no worse, and be vigilant.

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