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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 29, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 29th August 1792

 1 pm: Fair Weather and extremely hazy. Roused the Small Bower Cables up and cleaned under them.

 4 pm: Saw many Birds of the Gull Species and Fish leaping Saw some pieces of Rock weed and branches of Trees apparently not long in the Water.

 7 pm: At dark shortned Sail to Double Reefs

 8 pm: A fine Night and not so great a Swell from the SE.

10 pm: Very heavy Dew falling. Birds flying about the Ship thought to be Noddies.

 1 am: Cloudy Weather and light Winds

 5 am: Made all Sail. Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast, Krout in the Pease for Dinner & Portable Soup.

 8 am: Sailmakers repairing the Old Fore Sail. Hands working up Junk. Got the large Cutter out of the Launch and stowed her on skids on the Gunwales, so I had now four Boats ready on an emergency.

12 noon: Light Airs and fine Weather with much Haze. Some Swell from the SE.
  Assistant in Company and a head on the look out.

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