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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 8, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 8th August 1792

 1 pm: Fine Weather. All Sails Set

 2 pm: Hauled the Wind. Saw an Island in the WNW called S.

 4 pm: Island R N19°W to N40°W. Q N39°E about 6 Leagues. O N72½°E about 4 Leagues N S69°E Island S S87°W.

 5 pm: At 5 hour..20′ Island O N80°E which is true East

 6 pm: At 6 hour hauled the Wind Tacked. Q NE 4 Leagues O East 3 Leagues S S85°W R NWbN Sounded 85 fathoms no Ground

12 mid: Island O NE½E Cloudy Weather

 4 am: Island O NEbE½E

 5 am: Sent the Boat on board for Lieut. Portlock. Saw Islands in the South called V & U. At 6 AM Island O N45°E 8 Leagues Q N34°E R N7°W to N20°W S from N65W to N75W U S60°W and V S40°W

 8 am: Dark Cloudy Weather O Island N47°E Island R N6°E to N11°W Island S N61°W to N73°W Island U S65°W V from S47°W to S54W.

 9 am: Employed cleaning and drying Ship with Fires.

12 noon: Very Cloudy Weather but got a good Observation U W6S to W8°N 5 leagues. Island V S66°W to S42°W 7 Leagues S N43°W to N33°W R about North An Island S26°E called P
   Assistant in Company


As we got to the Northward we saw a Shoal of Keys lying about 2 Leagues to the WSW of Island Q, it is probable they join it. Q lies on a Meridian with O (or Gibralter Rock) and about 9 Miles apart, it is also high and about the same size, neither is above two Miles in Circuit if they exceed one.

The Land seen in the ENE at 5 hour..20′ was seen the proceeding Noon bearing NEbN.

As the Wind was scant I determined not to pass to the Northward of Island R as I at first intended, but to keep the Wind to the Southward.

The Island R is a very high land. I have placed it in 17°..10′S, but it was from a supposed distance, for I could not get any Angles to determine it better.

The Island S is of a good height, it is the Eastermost of the Islands I passed between on the 6th May 1789. I then considered it to be in 17°..12′S whereas I now place it in 17°..22′S. I am not certain of its exact situation to a Mile or two.

At day light I sent for Lieut. Portlock to give him a few necessary directions, & having hoisted in the Boat I steered for Islands in the SW called V and U.

At Noon we had sight of the Island P which was first seen at 8 O'Clock in the Morning on the 7th. The Island V had a very fruitfull appearance. The Island U was like it, but smaller, and had a remarkable Islet or Rock lying off the SE part of it. In Latitude 17..53 South.

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