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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 5, 1792

Remarks Sunday 5th August 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Sea from the Southward

 2 pm: People Employed cleaning and mending Clothes.

 5 pm: Clear Weather. Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: In 1st. Reefs. Spoke the Assistant and ordered Lieut. Portlock to lead for the Night

10 pm: Saw Porpoises

12 mid: Fine Night

 5 am: Scrubbed the Peoples Clothes Bags

 8 am: Served a Hot breakfast as usual. Aired Ship with Fires. Cleaned & Mustered the Ship's Company and performed Divine Service

11 am: Saw an Island from the Mast Head SWbW A

12 noon: Fine Weather. The Island S48°W 26 Miles from the Deck, & other land from the Mast head WbS and WSW B
   Assistant in Company
 Served a Puncheon Spruce Beer, Bore Cole &c as usual on this day


My object was now to determine that Maurelle's Lands were not the Islands I discoverred in my last Voyage to the WNW of the Friendly Islands, and to determine more accurately their situation. At that time I could only determine their boundary to enable a Navigator to discover them again, and I now steered such a course as would satisfactoraly fix it beyond a doubt. At Noon I made the land, but it all at this moment appeared new to me, which may readily be conceived by those who have read my account with a proper attention. From the recollection I had of it however, the Island A appeared to me to be the land I had passed to the Southward of, altho it did not agree with my latitude by a few Miles, an error that may be easily accounted for.

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