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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 14, 1792

Remarks Saturday 14th July 1792 Matavai Bay

Large Pots 459
Small Do. 230

Light Westerly Airs and Calms with some smart Showers of Rain. Thermometer from 76 to 82 Degrees.

I began to day to take on board my Plants, and received 689 Pots, most of which have two Plants in them. Scaped and Greased the Top Masts and brought most of our Articles from the Shore.

Abundant Supplies.

Our Visitors were numerous to day, and the Seamens Tyo's brought them articles of provisions for their Sea Store. My Friend Tynah and his Wives brought me an abundance of Breadfruit, Plantains, Mahie, Cocoa Nutts and three very fine Hogs. The distress of Tynah and Iddeeah at my leaving them is very great but Wyerreddee cares little about us. Poor Tynah is disconsolate at not going with me, altho I have engaged to take his Man, and promised to ask permition of King George for him to be brought home by the first Ship that is sent out. I wish sincerely this kind Friend to us could have his wishes gratified, he deserves a great deal from us.

Many of the Natives are desirous of going with us, and have asked their Friends to shut them up in their Chests, and in Casks.

Some of the Matilda's People have absented themselves with an intention of staying behind. It gives me no concern but for the injury they may do our Friends by joining adverse Chiefs.

My fatigue to day has been considerable.

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