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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 17, 1792

Remarks Sunday 17th June 1792 Matavai Bay

Light Variable Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 72 to 80 Degrees on Shore in the Air 82 Degrees.

Mustered the Ships Company and saw them all clean Dressed. Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to a Party to Walk on Shore. Hauled the Seine but caught no Fish.

Tynah had a Visit to day from some of Tiarraboo People. They were of no consequence with respect to Rank, as is common however, he found himself engaged for the day to direct proper supplies, and to amuse them. A Maow,nah or Wrestling Match gave a change to the dull scene we experience every day, but as the Tiarraboo people had only a few Champions; a number of fine active Boys gave us more amusement than the Men. The Strangers were rather uneasy at every Victory they gained for fear it would displease me, and to the last I could not convince them that I was disinterested. There were several knock down blows between some of the Parties before they grappled. My Account last Voyage of this exercise, prevents my saying any thing particular of it, I have not seen any thing new.