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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 11, 1792

Remarks Monday 11th June 1792 Matavai Bay

Calms with Winds at West and WSW, and the Thermometer 77 to 81 Degrees.

Employed at the Forge, Mending Sails, about the Rigging, Carpenters about the large Cutter, lining and fitting the Ports, Cooper repairing Casks and making small ones for the Boats.

About a half past 10 At Night Mr. Guthrie informed me an Indian was discovered thieving at the Post, and that the Centinel had fired at him.

These People are become so troublesome in dark Nights, that it requires our utmost exertions to prevent them from taking away all we have. I fear very much some of them will be shot, for I have been under the necessity to give orders to that effect, in order to deter them in their attempts. One Viscious fellow may destroy all our Plants, and cut our Ships adrift. Every Man, Woman and Child, know they dare not come near the Post or Ships after dark, and the Chiefs are so sensible of the propriety, that their constant reply is "Why dont you kill them."