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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 5, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 5th June 1792 Matavai Bay

Fine Weather with some Calms. Wind East. Thermometer from 74 to 80 Degrees.

Employed at the Forge. Got on board the Launch, and hauled the large Cutter up to repair. Sailmakers Employed about the Jibb and Main Top Mast Stay Sail. Carpenters making railings for the Sky lights to prevent any things falling on the Plants.

Hauled the Seine and caught about 150 pounds of Fish. Sufficient supplies except of Bread Fruit, only a few Baskets are brought on board. Tarro and Plantains, we have instead of it, not in great altho sufficient abundance.

The indolence of the People in our neighbourhood is so great, that now the Breadfruit is not to be had, they have very little to eat. No Country in the World would produce greater plenty of Ground Provisions, yet these lazy wretches cultivate scarce a Yam or Potatoe. In the whole district of Matavai and Oparre I have not seen half an Acre of Ground Provisions, if I except about the quantity of Tarro at Oparre. Never since we knew them could we ever get these articles in any plenty, but their late broils joined with their natural indolence has most likely been the cause of the present scarcity.

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