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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 30, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 30th May 1792 In Matavai Bay

Land and Sea Breezes and fair Weather. The Thrmometer from 73 to 79 Degrees.

Employed Tarring the Rigging, Armourer at the Forge, Carpenters about the Launch, Sailmakers repairing the Fore Sail, Cooper making Tubs for Plants. Cleaned Ship and Aired below with Fires. Water let into the Ship twice a Day and the Pumps worked as usual.

We have still sufficient supplies to allow every Person one pound and half of Pork per Day. No Breadfruit to be got for common use Plantains Tarro, Mahie and Vees are all we can get for Bread kind.

Oreepyah with his Wife arrived to day from Paparrah, Otoo the Young King with his Father Otow are gone to some other districts, and will not return to us for some time. When I enquired of Oreepyah how many Musquets he had taken from the Paparrah People he felt hurt, I therefore did not banter him with his project.

I got a few large Plants or rather young Trees into Tubs to day in addition to those on the 26th. These I expect will stand the Sea Air even when exposed, for they must take their chance upon Deck as I have no place else to put them. They are all flourishing delightfully.