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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 20, 1792

Remarks Sunday 20th May 1792 Matavai Bay

Strong Winds and Fair Weather ESE Thermometer from 78½ to 81½ Degrees.

Mustered the Ships Company and saw them all Clean Dressed. Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to a Party to go on Shore.

Another Complaint was made to me to day of a Native beating one of the Seamen and giving him a black Eye. The Parties happened to be on board, I w[o]uld therefore hear the Story on both sides which went so much against the Native that I ordered the Seaman to take his own satisfaction. A few strong blows made his antagonist jump into the Sea.

In my general orders I forbid either Man or Officer to redress his own grievance with a Native, or to strike him upon any pretence whatever. Many worthless fellows have taken advantage of this; I however expect I have prevented it happening in future, if the Chiefs have done as they have promised me, to warn all their People of the Punishment that will attend them.