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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 17, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 17th April 1792 Matavai Bay

Plants 32

All the Morning Light Variable Winds Easterly. In the Evening the Wind varied to the NW and West, and kept steady all Night with Cloudy Weather inclinable to Rain. Thermometer 81° to 83½ Degrees.

Employed Caulking, Drying Sails and Salting Pork, the Natives supplying us with more Hogs than we can keep alive.

This was the first day of my beginning to collect my Plants. We had 32 in the Pots at Sun Set.

I had a Visit to day from the Young King. He was brought to the Post on a Man's Shoulders in his usual way, but would not come off to the Ship—after receiving a few presents he returned to Oparre.

Tynah, his Wives, Oreepyah and Tootaha, after they had all eaten voraciously, went to Oparre in the Cutter, nothing pleases them more than this mark of attention I always show to them, and my saluting on his arrival delights him. He says, it will show all his enemies that we are good Friends. He has none but his Friends about him just now, for the Matavai People are fled, and their habitations all destroyed. The whole Plain seems desolated, which I have seen replete with cheefullness and Wealth. By the Matavai People being away, I have lost an intercourse with full two thousand People, so that I have not half the bustle I had in my last Voyage, which is so far a fortunate circumstance, my Nervous Head Ach being at times scarce bearable.

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