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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 15, 1792

Remarks in Matavai Bay Sunday 15th April 1792

A steady breeze all day from the Westward, and Cloudy Weather. Thermometer 82° to 84½°.

Washed and Cleaned Ship. Mustered the People, and saw every Person Clean dressed. Performed Divine Service. Plentifull supplies of every thing. I though proper to put the People to short allowance of liquor, only to serve it three days a Week while we have such abundance of fine Cocoa Nutts. This enables me to assist Weatherhead's People, and Acts against necessity from any delay I may meet with in my Passage to Timor.

In the Course of this day I got my Post so forwardly fitted up, that I determined to land the People in the Morning. I have at present given up all thoughts of going to Oparre, as there is a rick in getting the Ship in and out, and I have a chance or rather certainty of fine Weather at this Season of the Year, which will render my situation here more elligible.