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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 11, 1792

Remarks in Matavai Bay. Wednesday 11th April 1792

Very fine Weather with a regular Trade at ESE without, but at EbN here. Thermometer 76 to 82 Degrees. Employed Caulking the larboard Side, Getting fresh Water off and trading with the Natives for Hogs, Breadfruit, Tarro, Plantains, Cocoa Nutts and some Fowls, so that every person had much more than they could use. Began to kill some very large Hogs for Salting.

Early in the Morning I went to Oparre to see Otoo. He was overjoyed to see me. When I was here in the Bounty he was rather an ill looking Boy, but he is now grown a fine Youth. None of the ceremony took place between us that did then, he was very familiar and always kept hold of my hand, altho carried on a Mans Shoulder where he rode as on a horse, and carried a Switch with which he beat back the Crouds.

He received a very handsome Present of Cloaths and Iron Tools with great thankfullness, & pressed me hard to bring the Ships down to Oparre. He had only a few Body Guards with him, the whole district being employed against Matavai., After a short stay, for I was seized with a very Violent Nervous head Ach, (which is always more or less upon me,) I took my leave. Three fine Hogs were put in the Boat, & I might have had her loaded with Fruit.

Among my old Friends who used to be with me here, I saw Terrano the Wife of Teppahoo a great Chief of Tettahah. This Old Woman with her Sister clung about me and literally thanked God for saving me after I had lost the Bounty, for they were informed of the whole transaction. Teppahoo she told me was Dead from the Cancer that was in the roof of his Mouth when I was here before. (See page 210 Last Voyage[*]). I found also that Mowworoah the Uncle of Tynah, was dead and lying in State on a Toopapow in Oparre, and that Terreenahoroah, Eldest Daughter of Tynah & Iddeeah, had died of a decline soon after I left them.

[* There is no mention of Teppahoo on page 210 of the second volume of the Bounty logbook (which included their stay at Tahiti). There are many mentions of the man, but which particular one Bligh is referring to I don't know.]

Odidee they told me was gone with Captain Edwards in the Pandora to Ulietea, and the rest of the Society Islands.

In our return to the Ship I saw a multitude of Men on the low land of Matavai all Armed, preparing for an Attack on the Matavians who they had already driven from the Spot, and burnt all their Houses. The Afternoon produced the result of their determination. The Oparre people drove the others to the Mountains, killed one Man, & returned victorious. I have been sollicited very much to join Otoo's Army, but I only promised to interfere should the Matavians attempt to go near Oparre, in which case I assured them I would land a Party of Men & drive them back, which gave great pleasure to our Oparre Friends. I also sent the Surgeon of the Matilda to Poeeno and Tabyroo, to order them to return the Captains effects, if they ever wished to be on good terms with us, & he brought me back Word from them, that every thing would be returned. The Surgeon informed me that he was conducted through an immense number of Men armed with Spears, Clubs & Slings, who appeared extremely anxious to know the Message he had brought, & if I intended to act against them. They behaved with much decorum and some attention to the Chief who went with him; for the front of each army was so near to each other as to use their Slings, hostilities ceased during the parley. These Men when heaped together in such numbers armed with Spears 12 or 14 feet long or more, have a tremendous appearance, they nevertheless do very little mischief to each other, for I believe they seldom come to a serious charge, but content themselves with the execution they are able to effect by Slinging Stones, by which means some Men are Maimed and sometimes killed.

It is of the utmost concern to me, but I dare not yet send any party on Shore. I have not yet seen any Chief of consequence, but Oreepyah and his Brother, and Tynah still remains at Morea.

When the Matilda C. Weatherhead passed Matavai, some of the Natives swam off to him with Notes that some of the Discovery's People had given them to recommend them as Tyo's, these Notes were dated the (a)12th January 1792, which I suspect was the time they Sailed.

(a) on 16th April

The Villains that Christian landed were permitted to have Sails and various implements, they built a Vessel about 25 or 30 Feet long with two Masts, and the Natives tell me that Captain Edwards took this Vessel with him, which gave me much pleasure, as I think he may derive a great advantage from her in going through between New Holland and New Guinea.

Our Friends here have benefited very little from the intercourse they have had with Europeans since I left them. Our Countrymen must have taken great pains to have taught them such vile blackguard expressions as are in the mouth of every Otaheitean. I declare I would rather forfeit any thing than to have been in the list of Ships that have touched here since April 1789.

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