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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 5, 1792

Remarks Monday 5th March 1792 To Bountys Isles

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Four Cape Hens flying round us. Some Albetrosses, Sheerwaters and Mother Careys Chicken.—

 4 pm: Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather. Sun out at times. As I expected the Weather to keep fair I steered to the NE with an intention of seeing the Bounty's Isles. – Worked the pumps as customary.—

 8 pm: The Gale increasing, in 3rd. Reefs

11 pm: Strong Gales and thick Misty Weather. Close Reefed the Top Sails and furled the Mizen Top Sail. Fore Sail in the Brails.—

 4 am: The Gale still increasing reefed the Fore Sail and kept it in the Brails.—

 6 am: Hard Gale and thick Misty Weather. Furled the Fore Top Sail, and down Top Gallant Yards.

 8 am: Ditto Weather. Served Hot breakfast and Sweet Wort as usual, Portable Soup & Bore Cole thickned with Oatmeal for Dinner, and Vinegar as usual on this day.—

10 am: Cleaned & Aired with Fires. Bent the Storm Stay Sails. Saw many Seals & much Rock weed. Oceanic Birds —

12 noon: A Hard Gale and thick Misty Weather. The Assistant in Company under Close Reefed Main Top Sail and Reefed Fore Sail, and us under Close Reefed Main Top Sail and Fore Sail in the Brails – much Sea – mad the Sweet Wort stronger by ½ more of Malt. –
    No Observation

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