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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jan 13, 1792

Remarks Friday 13th January 1792 [Towards Van] Diemans Land

 1 pm: Strong Gales & fair Weather. Ship rolling very deep and taking Water over the Gunwales. —

 2 pm: Several Seas came into the Cabin and did some injury to the Planks which I have from the Cape. —

 5 pm: Set Fresh Water into the Ship and worked the pumps as usual —

 8 pm: Squally. Close Reefed the Fore & Mizen Topsails & directed good Fires to be kept in all Night to Air the Ship —

 2 am: Some Rain in the Squalls. The Sea now runs fair. —

 4 am: Gale moderating made more Sail.–

 8 am: Fair Weather. I gave the People Portable Soup mixed with their Burgoo for Breakfast. Served Krout as usual and at 11 O'Clock a pint of Warm Sweet Wort to every Man and Officer.—

  made Fires below & Cleaned & Air'd Ship

12 noon: Fresh Gale and Fair Weather. Under all Sails. A Few Oceanic Birds about.—
   Assistant in Company

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