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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 11, 1791

Remarks Sunday 11 September 1791

 1 pm: Fair Weather but very Hazy. Opened a Cask of Pork No. 1127 Contents 120 Double peices

 4 pm: The Extremes of the Isle of May SSE to South 3 or 4 Leagues

 6 pm: Thunder and Lightning. Saw a Met[e]or about the size of the Main

 8 pm: Moderate & Cloudy Sounded 55 fathoms Rocky Bottom. Lost a Lead and Line

12 am: St. Iago W.S.W

 6 am: St. Iago NWbN

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and very Hazy Weather

 9 am: At ½ past 10 Porta Praya NWbN

12 pm: Anchored in Porta Praya Bay in 13 fathoms. The East point of the Road EbN½N ⅓ of a Mile. West part W½N and the Fort N34W
Assistant in Company. Found here the Industry Brig a Whaler from Nova Scotia, and an American Schooner for Boston.

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