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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 16, 1791

Remarks Tuesday 16th August 1791

 1 pm: Light Winds and fair Weather.

 4 pm: Cloudy Two Sail in sight

 6 pm: As an Encouragement to the People to be alert in the execution of their duty, as well considering it conducive to their health, I ordered them in future at three Watches. The Master to keep no regular Watch but to be ready at all calls.

 1 am: Squally with Lightning and Rain

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather.

 7 am: Squally with Rain

 8 am: After Cleaning Ship employed making gaskets & Sinnet for serviceing the Rigging

11 am: Fair Weather dried all Wet things.

12 pm: Fair Weather with fresh Wind The Assistant in Company

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