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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 5, 1791

Remarks Friday August 5th 1791

 1 pm: Light Winds and fair Weather.

 4 pm: Tacked.

 8 pm: Saw the Land about the Start NW¼W distant 8 Leagues

10 pm: Waiting for the Assistant.

12 am: Sounded 33 fathoms rough ground.

 4 am: Sounded 37 fathoms Red Stones & broken shells

 6 am: Foggy Weather.

 9 am: Cleaned and Aired Ship

12 pm: Inclinable to Fog. Spoke H.M.S. Winchelsea & sent Letters by her.
 Sounded 41 fathoms Sand and Stones

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