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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh's Description of Mutineers
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Fletcher Christian . Aged 24 Years - 5feet..9In High Dark Swarthy Complexion Complexion Dark & very swathy Hair Blackish or very dark brown Make Strong Marks Star tatowed on the left breast and Tatowed on the backside. — His knees stands a little out and may be called a little bow legged He is subject to violent perspiration & particularly in His hands so that he soils any thing he handles. George Stewart — Aged 23 – 5F..7In. High. Complexion Good Hair Dark Make Slender narrow chested & long Knees Marks   Star on the left breast — one on the left Arm. tatowed on the backside, a heart with Darts on the left arm. — Small face & black eyes Peter Haywood Aged 17 — 5F..7in Complexion Fair Hair Dark light brown Make Well proportioned Marks Very much tattowed and on the Right Leg is tattowed the Three legs of Man as that coin is At this time he had not done growing. He speaks with the Manks or Isle of Man accent Edward Young Aged 22 . 5F..8in High Complexion Dark and a rather a bad look Hair Dark brown Make Strong Marks Lost several of his fore the teeth & those that remain are all rotten. – A small mole on the left side to the throat and on the right arm is tatowed a heart & Dart through it with E..Y underneath and the day of the year 1788 or 1789
Mutineers Desc 0
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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