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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 107 - 14 Jun 1789 Remarks 4

me was Coupang. – At day break I was desired to come on shore by a Soldier who was sent down to the beach & who conducted me to the Fort, but found no person of consequence & the governor they told me could not be spoke wth. untill 10 O'Clock in the morng. – Met an English Sailor who belonged to the large Ship in the Road He conducted me to his Captain–Called Spikerman. — This Gentleman behaved with great goodness, & after having told him of my situation I requested care & a situation for my People & officers might be prepared without delay. - He therefore gave the necessary orders for their ac- comodation & victualling this day
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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