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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 103 - 14 Jun 1789

Rems. Sund 14th. June 1789 1 [pm] Strong Gales & Very Hazy a High dangerous Breaking Sea 3 [pm] Steered for between ye Islds. & the Main abreast of wch. an Inlet appeared–Steered in & came to a Grapnel on the East side. The Islds. SbW¼W to SW¼W 5 leags. — West side of the Bay W½S 2 Mile East point SbW ¾ Mile At ½ past 4 Left this place with a Melay Pilot and kept sailing & rowing with var. airs untill 10 O'Clock when we came too. — Courses NEbN, NE & NEbE — At 1 O'Clock weighed with light airs & not bing able to make any hand wth. the Sails we pulled along shore NEbE, & ENE & East & at day dawn came to an anchor off the Town of Coupang. — Hoisted a small Jack we made, in the M. Shrouds as in distress – At 6 I had leave to come on shore. — At 9. all hands came on shore At Noon – Boat hauled into the River & every thing out.
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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