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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 83 - 3 Jun Remarks 2

SW appeared as a Parcel of High Islands which might from the appearance of it be called the Bay of Islands. But I believe the[y] may all join by low land. – More Land was now seen ahead and small Keys to the NW taking that direc[-] tion as if the Boundary of the reef was such — The Country now seems to be Rocky & no Sand Hills At 11½ Main appeared to be broken & formed deep Inlets & Islds. Islds. more considerable than what we have seen & some very high appeared in the N. & NW. – The whole seems a wonderfull place. I do not imagine any of the Islds. are joined by Reefs, if I may judge from those I've seen and now passg several between me & the Main, & others are constantly appearing. —— At Noon discovered a Reef extendg from West to NE whether this reef joins round to the Sd. I cannot say or whether it is connected to some more to the north - some small Keys, I could just see in the Range of the Reef & therefore perhaps the High Isld. to the northd. are not connected with it. —
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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