s. Wed
y. June 3
d. 1789
1 [pm] Fine W
r. A Clift Head bore
true West dis
t. 4 leags. – Dined
on some boiled Clams & usual
ce. of Bread & Water
4 [pm] At 4
h. C. York True S
o. 6 or 7 leags.
& north
t. land in sight NWbW
5 [pm] At 5 abreast of an extensive Inlet
g SWbS 7 or 8 Miles
At ¼ before 6

in 8 feet off an Isl
d. 6 miles
from the Main – a High Isl
d NbW
4 leags.
& the Main from NNW½N
5 leags. to SEbS
6 leags. — Fresh Gales & Cloudy W
1 [am] ½ past Sailed
8 [am] At 8 Stand
g between the Isl
set NbW last night & several
others towards the Main. No
ground at
12 fms. dis
t. across
3 Miles
9 [am] At 9
h. Land as far as NW½W at ½ past
10 a small Rocky I
d true East 2 M
& another WSW 4 M
At Noon Isl
d. from NWbW
5 leags. to NE
5 leags Seven
Reef from West to NE Wednesd
y Isl
d. N
o. point EbS
5 Miles West Land in sight SW 7 Miles
Lat Obs
d. 10°:31′ S Meri
d Alt 2 L 56··54