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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jan 30 2022

Bligh Notebook
P. 57 - 28 May 1789

Rems Thurdy 28 May 1 [pm] Fine Wr. following Sea 5 [pm] Horizon Cloudy in the SW & WSW wth I hope indication being near New Holland. 7 [pm] Served Water 2 Jills for Supper being very thirsty. — Saw a Gannet. — 1 [am] Fell in wth. a dreadfull breaking Reef WSW to WNW. Hauled the Wind & cleared it - dist. Cable length. discovered it first by the noise of the breakers.– 6 [am] At 6 Steered again for the Coast. –Nothing insight.– 9 [am] Made the Reef from NNW to SbW & saw a Hill dist- back WbN. Hauled Wind. Saw an opening 9h½ steered in W½N & Land only seen as before W½N ½ Mile across. — 11 [am] At 11 Bore away. Chanl. ESE 5 Miles. Land SWbW to NWbW Land first seen WbS 12 [noon] At Noon Fine Wr Land first seen WSW 5 or 6 leags. & Land farther North NWbW½W– Latd. Obsd 12°:46′
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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