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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 46 - Prayer Part 3

never felt,– conduct us through thy Mercy to a Safe Haven, and in the End restore us to our disconsolate Families and Friends. More We promise O Lord with full & contrite hearts never to forget thy great Mercies vouchsafed unto us – We promise to renew our unfeigned thanks at thy Divine Altar & amend our lives according to thy wholy word. – And now Almighty God as thou has given us grace at this time to make our common supplications unto thee & hast pro- mised that to thou who ask in thy Son our Saviours name thou wilt grant their request; fulfill O Lord we beseech thee the [?] & [?] of thy Servants as may be most expe- dient for them granting us in this world a knowledge of thy truth & in the World to come life Everlasting through the Merit of our blessed mediator and redeemer Jesus Christ Amen – Our Father. asterisk Receive us this Night into thy almighty protection
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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