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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 28 - 12 May 1789

Tuesdy 12 May 1789 1 [pm] Strong Gale of high Sea Shipping much water & everyone wet. — 4 [pm] ½ oz Pork & bit of bread & a Jill water for dinner 6 [pm] Saw a Gannet & a piece of Wood 8 [pm] Much Rain & Cold. 1 [am] Cloudy 5 [am] Const. Rain & Cold 8 [am] Very Wet, served bit bread & a tote Rum – one man compld cholick 12 [noon] Calm & very Cloudy – very uncomfortably Wet. – No Sun – See Fish but can catch none – Tropic Birds & Sheerwaters. Dined on a bit of bread and a Jill of Water.
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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