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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 26 - 11 May 1789

Mondy. 11 May 1 [pm] Squally & much Sea Course West but obliged to keep before the Sea 4 [pm] A bit of Pork & Bread for dinner 5 [pm] Fresh gales & Cloudy. 6 [pm] a bit of bread for Supper 8 [pm] Very Wet no dry Cloaths 9 [pm] Heavy Gale & much Sea Reckon to have steered upon the whole no better than WbN 12 [mid] Heavy Rain 1 [am] Very cold & wet consly. shipping Seas & bail ing.— 5 [am] Served a teaspoonful of Rum & a bit of bread 8 [am] Cloudy & Hard gale & high Sea, frequently rung over our stern 12 [noon] Some Sun Shine all of us wet & uncomfort able Latd Obsd. 14:50
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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