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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 20 - 7 May 1789

Thursdy. 7th. May 1789 1 [pm] modt. & fair 3 [pm] Saw another Isld to the NNW 5 [pm] The above Isld we found join to the one set at Noon NbW½W At 5¾ - The extrems of the above Island from NbW½W to NE½E Land as far as SWbW on the So. & NW½W on the north pas'd over a reef wth. 4 feet water 7 [pm] Served a Jill of water & a bit of bread 1 [am] light squalls 3 [am] At day discovered land to leeward from WNW to WSW like numbers of high Rocky Islds & some low land from 8 to 4 leags. dist – A high round Hill Isld. NNW 6 leags & land SSE the same as set SWbW last night 7 [am] at 7h½ Tk.d Extrems Land to leewd NW 5 leags. to SWbW½W a high Rock 5 leags. – High Isld NbE 12 [noon] Cloudy & Varia Wr. Currt setg us torwds the Shore two small Isles WNW 2 Mile being the North extreme of the land. Saw two [?] cannoes coming to us – out oars to get from them southerst. Land SbW
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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