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Revised May 29 2021

James Morrison Journal
On Tahiti and the Tahitians


The People in general are of the Common size of Europeans, the Men are Strong well limb'd and finely shaped—their Gait easey and Genteel and their Countenance Free Open and lively, never sullied by a sullen or Suspicious look—their motions are Vigourous active & Graceful and their Behaveour to Strangers is such as declare at first sight their Humane disposition, which is as Candid as their Countenaces seem to indicate, and their Courteous affable and freindly behaviour to each other shews that they have no tincture of Barbarity, Cruelty, Suspicion or Revenge—they are ever of an even unruffeld temper, slow to anger and soon appeasd and as they have no suspicion so they ought not to be suspected, and an hours acquaintance is sufficient to repose an entire confidence in them.

The Men Wear their Hair in different forms and their beards neatly pickd, which they do with a fish scale & here a Painter might take an excellent copy of a Hector or an Achilles. Some have their hair Cut short & others wear it long and flowing over their Shoulders in Waves and others tied in a bunch on the top of their Heads.

The Weomen are finely Shaped and the natural Collour is a Brunette tho some who are more exposed to the Sun are very dark, especcially those who are fishermen and Constantly exposed to its rays, but those who are not exposed are of fine bright Collour, and a Glbw of Blood may be seen in their faces; their skin is as tender as Europeans and they scorch as soon in the sun. They are in generall handsom and engaging, their Eyes full and sparkling and Black almost without excepiton, their Noses of different discriptions, their mouths small, lips thin and red, and their teeth white and even and their Breath sweet and perfectly free from taint. The Hair of Both sexes is mostly Black or dark Brown, in some Coarse and others fine, which the Weomen wear Short and Neatly Cut in waves in their Neck. They take much pride in keeping it in exact order and decorate their head with sweet flowers; they are careful to keep it free from Vermin, and for that purpose were excee[d]ing fond of our Combs, as they also were of Scisars to trim it, a Sharks tooth being the only intrument they have for Cutting hair—tho the Weomen hate to have Vermin in their heads as much as we do yet the men are not so delicate and many eat them.

Tho the fashion in which the Weomen wear their hair is contrary to the Inhabitants of other Countrys it is no ways injurious to their beauty as neither Sex wear any thing on their heads but Garlands of Flowers nor dress their hair in any other Manner then by Combing and oiling but all are particular to have it regularly trimm'd; and some trim their Eyelids and brows and pick them into form. Their limbs in general are neat and delicate and tho they go barefooted their feet do not spread like the inhabitants of Africa and other Hot Climates and many with the help of a Fashionable Dress would pass for handsom weomen even in England. The Number of Inhabitants in Taheite are Near 30,000 of which their warriors may be reckoned at near one third of that number. Their Chief Strength consisted formerly in their Naval force, which at present is but triming, their Navy being but on a very indifferent footing, oToo thinking it better to keep peace then make war. At present his whole Naval force does not exceed 20 sail of War Canoes & for the most part of these he is beholden to his Sister Areepaeoa Waheine who brought them from Ryeataya—but he stands in no need at present of large Canoes as Morea is now under him, Mottooarro having adopted His Son to be Heir to Morea.

At the time the Island was discovered by Captain Wallis Tomaree, the Son of Pbooraya (since deceased) and Oammo, was Earee Nooe and Oammo being an Areeuoy had left Her but not till the Boy was born when Pbooraya, who was a Stirring active woman and regent for Her Son, got him declared king and invested at Oparre with the Royal Marro and Matte or oToo, who was then about 7 years old, was forced to fly to His Fathers Estate at Papaara where he lived private tho the Marro was his right, but soon after Captain Wallis saild, Matte made a party in Attahooroo and soon forced Tomaree to exchange stations, and take his own posessions, but Tehowha and Pohooataya Chiefs of Attahooroo at the Head of their men Seized on the Morai and Carried it and the Marro to Attahooroo where they forced Matte to come to have his Ceremony performed and at the same time laid him under restrictions that made him rather a Dependant to them then their King and all the releigeous rites were now to be performd at their Morai where all the other Chiefs were under the Necessity of Bringing their offerings and were often Plundered of them before they reachd the Morai and of this they were affraid to Complain, Fearing the Attahooroo people who, being mostly renegades supported by Tetowha, had gaind themselves a Great name in the War and they at last became very troublesome neighbours; keeping both Matte & Tomaree in Awe of them.

Taheite Eete taking the advantage of the situation of affairs revolted, and as they lookd upon themselves seperated from Taheite Nooe by the Isthmus, they declared for Vayheeadooa and made him their king, but Could not obtain the Marro, being forced to retire to their own Country, Tomaree and Matte having united to keep their right in their own Families and repulsed Tyarrabboo With Great Slaughter but could never reduce them to subjection by reason of the many Strong holds which they Posess.

About the same time Morea revolted and maheine (the Uncle of Mottooarro proper king of that Island) seized on the Government and Forced Mottooarro to fly to Matte for refuge together with his Sisters Eddea & Teano, where they were on Captain Cooks Arrival at the Island when a truce was made. This may in some Measure account for the Situation in which he found the Island, and for his finding Pbooraya living retired with Her husband with whom She then lived, they having parted before on account of a quarrel but had now made matters up. Tomaree is the same Captain Cook Calls Teridiri— probably T'aree rahe or head Chief which title he assumes evry where but in the presence of Toonooeayeteatooa—he being Calld Earee Nooe or the Great Chief; the Young Woman Toematta was his cousin, and sister to His present Wife Teereetahi; Pbooraya having no other Child but Tomaree, having killd all that came before him. o'Too or Matte is The eldest son of Tew or Whappai, who is also mentioned by Captain Cook— these two are now on Freindly terms and Tomaree having no Children, adopted a Daughter of o'Too but she died young, but it is probable he may have Issue by his present wife, if not the right falls to the present King, who is a boy of about 10 or 12 years old.

On or about the time of Captain Cooks arrival at Taheite the last time o'Too was engaged in a War with Morea and with the assistance of Tomaree and Tetowho & Pohooataya, who Joind their Forces to his, would have reduced Maheine to obedience or forced Him to relinquish his Claim to the Island to Mottooarro the Proper Heir, but Tetowha began to grow Jealous of o'Toos Growing Power and enjoying the rich presents made him by Captain Cook —determined to lessen it if possible and for that Purpose kept back his supplyes, and after Captain Cook saild, he turned his force against o'Too and Joind with Maheine, who between them Destroyd o'Toos fleet and plundered him of evry thing, killing and destroying most part of the Cattle & Stock which Captain Cook had left and carrying of the rest.

Maheine was now suffered to remain in quiet posession of Morea, and Mottooarro & his sisters were forced to remain at Taheite where o'Too, taking Eddea, Mottooarros sister to Wife; Mottooaro took o'Toos sister Tirrayraydooa to be his wife, but Maheine, who was against these Matches and supposed they would at one time be the means of driving him from the posessions he had seized upon, was detirmened to set them to work if he Could not seperate them but finding he could make nothing of them tho he set Tyarrabboo & Tomaree by the ears and now he declared war against o'Too who was forced to make an effort with the small Fleet he had left— these he put under the Command of Moana, Tootahas brother, & Wyetooa, o'Toos own brother, and a bloody fight took Place in Maatavye Bay when Maheine had brought his Fleet but being himself Killd by Wyetooa the Fleet was mostly destroyd and His men fled home where they placed His adopted son Tayreehamoedooa on the throne of Morea where he remaind till after the Bounty saild in April 1789, when having made a party in the Island he got posession and by the help of the Arms left with o'Too he obtaind his right and forced Tayreehamoedooa with his Aunt & Mother to fly to Taheite for refuge where he now resides private.

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