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Revised May 29 2021

Report on James Morrison's Examination for Master Gunner

[The actual year in the 1780's this Certification was signed is illegible and I have not yet been able to find it in the literature. However, it was before Morrison signed on to the Bounty. In fact he had applied for the position of Gunner, but that position having already been filled, he took the lesser position of Boatswain's Mate, evidence of his strong desire to go on the voyage.]

We are to certify the Right Hon'ble The Lords Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland &c.; That in accordance of directions from Charles Proby, Esq. Commissioner of his Majesty's Navy at Chatham We have examined Mr. James Morrison in the articles ordered by their Lordships, for the Examinations of persons previous to their being appointed to serve as Master Gunners in his Majesty's Sea-service and humble Report as follows.

1st. He is skilled in Vulgar, and Decimal Arithmetic, the Extractions of the Square, and Cube Roots, and in practical Problems of Geometry, and Plain Trigonometry.

2nd. He is capable of knowing when a Cannon is truely Bored, and not Honey Combed.

3d. He knows how to dispart a Cannon, so also to direct it justly to the place aimed at.

4th. He knows how to Tertiate, or Round the thickness of the Metal of a Cannon at the Touch-Hole, Trunnions and Muzzle.

5th. He knows how to adjust a shott to a Cannon, and a due proportion of Powder.

6th. He is capable of Taking, or Judging of Heights, and Distances, especially at Sea.

7th. He is able to find the Weight of a Cannon, and knows the Names and Denominations thereof, and the Names of the particular parts of them, the Dimensions of their Bore, shott for them, and the Weight of the shott.

8th. He knows the Length and Fortification of a Cannon of each sort and size and how many persons will be necessary to attend each piece in time of service.

9th. He knows when the Trunnions of a Gun are placed justly in the carriage, whether the Carriage itself is fit, and of a due length for the Gun, and when the Trucks are equally high, and Revert or return equally quick.

10th. He knows how to Charge, and Discharge a Piece of Ordnance, readily and artist like, and how to spunge the same, and to Muzzle and secure it in bad weather.

He has produced to us Certificates from the several Commanders he has served under, of his Care, Sobriety and Obedience to command. He has also produced a Certificate from the Navy Office of his having served Four Years and two Days..................................in his Majesty's Navy.

We therefore humbly certify our opinion that he is a person fully qualified to be appointed a Master Gunner of any of his Majesty's Ships of war of the Third Rate. Given under our hands this 19 day of December 178[?]

John Evans                           Royal George

Jos. Neate        gunner of the      Revenge

J. L. Watts                          Albion

Jos'h. Hawkins   Teacher of the Mathematics.

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