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Revised Jun 5 2021

William Purcell Testimony


Apr 28, 1789

April the 28th, the morning of the mutiny, Quintal came to my cabin and awaked me, saying, you and Mr. Cole may go on deck and do as you think proper, for we have mutinied and taken the ship; Mr. Christian has the command, Captain Bligh is confined, resistance is in vain, and if you attempt it you are a dead man. I called Mr. Cole, and went up the hatchway, saw Thompson standing centinel armed in the main hatchway, Heywood and Steward were in their births abreast of the main hatchway, on the larboard side, Mr. Elphinstone on the other side. John Williams came down the fore hatchway armed, and accompanied us on deck. I saw Captain Bligh standing on the quarter deck with his hands tied, Christian standing over him with a bayonet. The small cutter was alongside. I asked Alexander Smith what they meant to do; he answered, "To put Captain Bligh, Hayward, Hallet, and Samuel into her, to put Captain Bligh on shore." I then said to Christian, I hope you will not send any body in that boat, the bottom is almost out, and she cannot swim to the shore. An altercation then happened between Christian, Churchill, and others, about another boat; that being determined, Christian ordered me to get the large cutter ready; I hesitated obeying him; he said, Sir, you'll get the boat ready directly; Cole was gone below to turn those in their hammocks on deck. I called McIntosh and Norman to go down to my store room and hand the geer of the cutter to get her ready for hoisting out; they did so, and we in the mean time were clearing the cutter of yams, cocoa nuts, and lumber; when ready, Christian ordered her to be hoisted out; I went to Christian and interceded for the launch, and asked Christian, "If he meant to turn us adrift in the boat, to let us have the launch and not make a sacrifice of us"; Christian then ordered out the launch, but told Cole the Boatswain to carry nothing away. The launch was hoisted out and I went down to my cabin to procure such things as I thought might be useful; I desired McIntosh and Norman to fill a bucket of nails and hand a cross-cut saw out of the store room; I then got my chest upon deck and into the launch, and afterwards got sails and other articles, and asked Christian for my tool chest and a cross-cut saw; the latter he granted, and also my tool chest, after Churchill the master at arms had opposed my having the chest, and taken what he thought proper out of it. Prior to this I had been down to Fryer's cabin, when he desired me to ask Christian to let him come on deck; he came on deck, and had some discourse with Captain Bligh, I could not hear what; Alexander Smith desiring me not to come aft; I then addressed Churchill, on the quarter deck, with Smith, Martin, Mills, Ellison, and Burkitt, desiring them to lay down their arms, asking them what they were about, and advising, "If the Captain had done any thing wrong, to confine him," when Churchill replied, "You ought to have done that months ago," and used other abusive language. Mr. Fryer was then ordered down to his cabin, that Captain Bligh attempted to speak to Christian, who said, "Hold your tongue and I'll not hurt you; it is too late to consider now, I have been in hell for weeks past with you." I then went forward to get what necessaries were handed on the deck, into the boat, and then went into the boat, and stowed my chest and other things. That Martin, one of the mutineers, came into the boat with a bag. I asked him what he did there; he said he was going into the boat; I told him if ever we get to England, I'll endeavour to hang you myself. Quintal and Churchill hearing me, presented their pistols and desired Martin to come out of the boat, which he did. Christian not being determined whether to keep me on board or not, several of the mutineers opposed my going into the boat, saying, that I should be the last suffered to go out, if they had their wills; adding, "They might as well give us the ship as to suffer me to have tools, for we should have another vessel in a month." I then went into the boat to receive a cask of water and other articles that were handing in. Several of the people were in the boat; the rest were then ordered in; we were veered astern. After much abusive language to the Captain, they threatened to blow his brains out. Cole asked Captain Bligh if he should cast off, as some of the people talked of firing. Captain Bligh consented, and we quitted the ship, keeping right astern to prevent the guns from bearing on us; we were nineteen in number in the launch, and about seven inches and an half out of water.

Q. per COURT.—Who were the people under arms?

Christian, Churchill, Sumner,
Quintal,   Mills,     Skinner,
Martin,    A. Smith,  Williams,
Thompson,  McCoy,     Brown,
Ellison,   Burkitt,   Millward,
Young,     Hillbrandt

were under arms at different times.

N. B. I forgot to mention a circumstance respecting Millward when Mr. Cole turned the hands up. Millward came up to me and said, Mr. Purcell, I assure you I know nothing of this business, but as I had a hand in the former foolish affair, I suppose they will make me have a hand in this.

Q. When you came on deck, did you see any of the other prisoners?

A. I did.

Q. Did you see Heywood?

A. No.

Q. Had you any conversation with him?

A. Not at that time.

Q. Had you at any other?

A. Yes.

Q. Did you see Heywood standing at the booms?

A. Yes.

Q. Had he a cutlass in his hand?

A. Yes; leaning the flat part of his hand upon it, on the booms. I instantly exclaimed "In the name of God, Peter, what do you do with that?" he instantly dropped it. One or two of the people previous to that had laid down their arms to assist in hoisting out the boats, one or two laid down their cutlasses, but not their pistols.

Q. Did Millward assist in hoisting out the boat?

A. Yes.

Q. What number of men did you see with pistols?

A. About four with pistols and cutlasses, the rest with muskets and bayonets fixt.

Q. Do you recollect seeing any other prisoners upon deck, and having any other conversation with them?

A. I saw all upon deck, but had no other conversation but what I have related.

COURT.—As you was upon deck during the mutiny, recollect what all the prisoners were doing at that time?

A. Coleman assisted in getting the boat ready, and handing things into it after it was hoisted out; he wanted to come in with us, but was prevented by the mutineers, and he desired me to notice that he had no hand in the conspiracy.
      Heywood, when I came on deck, was in his birth, I did not see him on deck, until the launch was getting out; then he was standing on the booms resting his hand on a cutlass, I exclaimed, for God's sake, Peter, What do you do with that; he dropped it, and assisted in hoisting out the launch and handing things into it, then went below; I heard Churchill call to Thompson to keep them below, but could not tell who he meant I did not see Heywood after. [...]

Q. Did Heywood hand any of his own things into the boat?

A. Not to my knowledge.

[...] Byrne was in the large cutter keeping her off from the side, and remained there when we left the ship; he was crying, and said, if he went with us he could be of no service being blind, he was not armed.
      Morrison I observed, when Mr. Cole went down to turn the hands up, who were in their hammocks, but 1 did not observe he was armed; he assisted in hoisting out the launch. [...]

Q. Did you hear any conversation between him and Fryer?

A. I did not.

Q. Did he appear to you at that time to be in league with the mutineers?

A. No.

[...] Norman I called out of his hammock and ordered him to fetch tools and cloaths, which he did; he gave me every assistance during the whole transaction, was crying when we came away, and desired mc to take notice he had no hand in the conspiracy.
      Ellison, when I came on the deck, was standing near the gangway, on the larboard-side, armed with a musket and bayonet; in that situation he was during the whole time, to the best of my knowledge, but in different pans of the ship; I had no conversation with him. [...]

COURT.—Relate as to McIntosh.

[...] McIntosh I called out of his hammock, and desired him to go down with Morrison to the store-room to get the gear for the boat; he did, and gave me every assistance, and desired me to take notice he had no hand in the mutiny.
      Musprat, I cannot charge my memory with any particular circumstances as to him, I do not remember seeing him in arms. [...]

Q. What was he doing?

A. Walking about the ship, handing liquor to the ship company I think, and handing the Captain's and Mr. Fryer's things up.

Q. Was that when the dram was ordered

A. Yes.

[...] Burkitt, when I came upon deck, was standing upon the windlass, armed with a musket and bayonet; soon after went aft on the quarterdeck, and I believe remained there during the whole transaction under arms. [...]

Q. Did he make any answer to the master, when he desired him and the other men, for God's sake to lay down their arms?

A. Not that I heard.

[...] Milward, when I came upon deck, was in his hammock, Mr. Cole turned him up, and when he came over the booms, he said, I assure you, Mr. Purcell, I know nothing of this business but as I had a hand in the former foolish affair, I suppose they will force me to take a part in this; I saw Millward afterwards down the after-ladder by Mr. Fryer's cabin, armed with a musket, but do not recollect he had a bayonet fixed, nor seeing him afterwards until we were in the boat; then I saw him look over the tafferel, but cannot tell if he was armed then or nor.[sic]

Q. When you all went into the boat, was any centry on the gangway?

A. Yes; Quintal and Skinner.

Q. Were they armed?

A. I cannot say they were armed, they were placed as centinels.

Q. Were you forced in the boat suddenly, or did it take some time?

A. I do not think it was above ten minutes, before every one was in the boat.

Q. Was it generally known about the ship, that the boat was going to put off?

A. I think it must, we were a long time collecting our things.

Q. Did you hear any body say he wished to go in the boat, except those you have named already?

A. I cannot say I did.

Q. Did Norman and McIntosh shew any intentions to regain the ship?

A. They did not.

Q. Did you propose any such thing to them?

A. I did not.

Q. Did any of the prisoners shew any such wish?

A. No.

Q. In what light did you look upon Mr. Heywood at the time you say he dropped the cutlass?

A. I looked upon him as a person confused.

COURT.—You must answer that question.

Witness.—And that he did not know he had the weapon in his hand; his hand being on it, it was not in his hand.

Q. What reason had you to suppose him so confused?

A. By his instantly dropping it and assisting in hoisting out the boat, convinced me in my own mind, that he had no hand in the conspiracy.

Q. Were any people armed near Heywood at that time?

A. I do not know there were.

Q. After the launch was hoisted out, you say Heywood went below, and you saw no more of him. Did he of your knowledge go below of his own accord, or was he compelled to go by any of the mutineers?

A. I think he went of his own accord, or to get some of the things to put in the boat.

Q. How long was it after the launch was hoisted out, before she went from the ship?

A. Near two hours.

Q. Do you think then that Heywood was so long employed in collecting his things as you before supposed?

A. No; he was assisting me and the rest to get the things into the boat, which I suppose prevented him from collecting any things of his own, until that time.

Q. You have said just now, you saw no more of Heywood after he went below. Did he go below immediately after the boat was hoisted out?

A. No.

Q. How long did the launch remain alongside after Heywood went below?

A. I cannot be positive; ten minutes or a quarter of an hour was the outside.

Q. Were the booms of the Bounty above deck?

A. Yes; off the deck on chocks.

Q. When you represented Heywood leaning his hand upon the cutlass, Was that cutlass leaning against, or supported by any thing else?

A. I cannot be positive.

COURT.—Describe the situation he was standing in with the cutlass. Was it leaning against the booms?

A. I cannot be positive, it might be supported by something.

COURT.—Describe with your own hand, his hand as to the top and handle of the cutlass.

N.B. The Witness then described the cutlass perpendicular on the point, and Mr. Heywood's hand flat on it.

Q. per COURT.—Do you, upon the solemn oath you have taken, believe Heywood by being armed with a cutlass, at the time you mentioned, by any thing you could collect, either by gestures, speeches, or any thing else, had any intention of opposing or assisting and joining others, who might endeavour to stop the progress of the mutiny?

A. No.

Q. Except the cutlass upon which you saw Mr. Heywood's hand, did you see any cutlass on the deck, other than those in the mutineers' hands at any time during the mutiny?

A. t cannot say I did; I can't say I did at that time, one man laid one down by him, and assisted in hoisting out the launch.

N. B. The witness said, one man laid one down by him, and took it up, but afterwards recalled his words, "and took it up again," and added while he assisted in hoisting our the launch.

Q. Do you know if any one of the mutineers took notice of Mr. Heywood's having a cutlass?

A. No.

Q. Have you reason to believe that the cutlass you saw in the possession of Heywood was placed upon the booms accidentally, and that he did not furnish himself with it?

A. I have reason to think he did not furnish himself with it.

Q. What is your reason?

A. As Thompson was standing over the arm chest, and Heywood in his birth, had he meant to arm himself, he certainly might have done it before he came on deck.

Q. Was the arm chest near Mr. Heywood's birth?

A. It stood in the center of the main hatchway, between the two births at the after-part.

Q. Did you go on deck before, or after Mr. Heywood?

A. Before him, he was in his birth.

Q. Did you see him leave his birth, and go upon deck?

A. No.

Q. Can you say that he might not have carried the cutlass on deck with him?

A. I have reason to think he did not.

Q. What reason?

A. As Thompson was centry over the arm chest, and knew Mr. Cole and myself were not of the conspiracy, and knew Mr. Heywood was in his birth, and did not attempt to arm himself before we went upon deck, he most certainly suspected Mr. Heywood wanted to procure arms to assist us in retaking the ship.

Q. Do you suppose it possible, that if Mr. Heywood had been inclined to join the mutineers he would have armed himself before you and Cole?

A. I should suppose not, as he might have armed himself before we were called up Thompson being centinel over the arm chest, and Mr. Heywood in his birth when I went on deck.

Q. From the bulkhead forward, were there any other centinels except Thompson?

A. There were two more when I went upon deck, Quintal, the man who accompanied and called me up, and John Williams; both came to the foot of the lower deck ladder, and followed us up.

Q. Did you see Mr. Heywood as you and Mr. Cole, the boatswain, were going on deck?

A. I saw him in his birth, as I went up the cockpit ladder, whether sitting or leaning I'm not positive; the hammocks were hanging.

Q. Had you any conversation with him?

A. No.

Q. Do you know if that time he knew of the mutiny?

A. I think he must, as the centinel was upon the arm chest close to his birth.

Q. Was the centinel over the arm chest or their births?

A. I cannot say; he was between both births.

Q. Did the centinel, or any other person, prevent his going on the deck with you and Mr. Cole, had he been inclined so to do?

A. I cannot say.

Q. Did you see any oppose him?

A. I did not.

Q. When Mr. Heywood dropt the cutlass, as you say, did it fall down from his quitting his hand from it, or did he lay it down?

A. I think it fell, for he did not lay it down.

Q. Do you think any of the mutineers noticed Mr. Heywood having the cutlass in his hand?

A. I don't know, as I was busy in getting the boat out, I had no time to make any observation.

Q. Would they have permitted you, or any well-disposed person to the captain, to have touched a cutlass?

A. I cannot tell, as they had pistols I should imagine not.

Q. Did it appear to you, after they had got possession of the ship, that they were careless of their arms?

A. By no means, only in that instance in hoisting out the boat.

Q. In the time Heywood was assisting you to get things into the boat, did he, in any degree whatever, manifest a disposition to assist in the mutiny?

A. No.

Q. Was he, during that time, deliberate or frightened; in what manner did he behave himself?

A. I had not an opportunity to observe every action, being myself, at that time, engaged in getting things into the boat; I was apprehensive the mutineers might have stopt our so doing.

Q. Putting every circumstance together on your going into the boat, declare to the court, upon the oath you have taken, how you consider his behaviour; whether, as a person joined in the mutiny, or wishing well to Captain Bligh?

A. I by no means considered him as a person concerned in the mutiny or conspiracy.

Q. At the time Mr. Heywood was assisting you in getting things into the boat, did he know it was the intention of the mutineers to send the commander of the Bounty, with several of the officers and men, away in the boat?

A. 1 cannot say.

Q. Did he know that you was going out of the ship?

A. He certainly must think so, seeing me getting my chest and things into the boat.

Q. Did you know Captain Bligh was going in the boat?

A. Yes.

Q. Could it be possible but that every person must have known that Captain Bligh was going to be sent away?

A. I suppose not.

Q. Did Mr. Heywood know what caused you to quit the ship?

A. Every body must have kno who was on deck at the time, that I meant to follow my commander.

Q. Did Mr. Heywood express any desire or inclination to follow his commander with you?

A. Not to me.

Q. Was Captain Bligh confined on the quarterdeck, in such a situation as he must have been seen by Mr. Heywood, whilst he was upon deck with you, or when he was assisting in getting out the boats?

A. I think he was in such a situation, that he must have been seen by every one upon deck.

Q. Was any bulkhead round Mr. Heywood's birth?

A. No; it was half boarded, and half canvas.

Q. If the screen was drawn, how could you see Mr. Heywood?

A. The screen was not drawn.

Q. When you saw Mr. Heywood with the cutlass, might it not have been used with advantage?

A. By no means, there being fourteen on the deck armed, the officers confined, and most of the mutineers having cutlasses or pistols.

Q. Were any of the prisoners amongst those who opposed your going into the boat?

A. No.

Q. You say Morrison did not seem to be leagued with the mutineers, did he express to you, any desire to follow the fate of the commander in the boat?

A. No.

Q. Do you know if McIntosh was prevented leaving the Bounty?

A. He desired me to take notice that he was prevented by the mutineers from coming into the boat.

Q. Did you see him prevented?

A. I did not personally see it, but Christian had given orders before, that neither Coleman, Norman, or McIntosh should quit the ship.

Q. How do you know that?

A. I heard him.

Q. Byrne.—When you were first alarmed, and came from below with Cole, did you observe any one sitting on the chest on the fore hatchway?

A. I did not.

Q. per Ditto.—When you was in the launch, receiving things from some person on board, did I not speak to you from the stern of the large cutter?

A. I don't recollect it, only your desiring every one to take notice, that by your being blind, you could be of no service, and crying.

Q. per Ditto.—Before Captain Bligh, Mr. Fryer, and other officers came on the deck, was you not down in the launch?

A. I was several times in her, stowing the things.

Q. per Ditto.—Do you recollect my saying, Mr. Purcell, if you live to go home, I hope you will go to my friends, and tell them I know nothing of this transaction, or had any hand in it?

A. No.

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