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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 114
James M. Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No 114. J. M. Heywood Esq'r. to Mrs. Heywood

Maristow — Oct. 27th 1792

My dear Madam

I cou'd not forgive myself for not having a long time since thanked you for your obliging Favor, if my silence had not been occasioned entirely by the particular situation of your son. — I thought his sufferings wou'd soon end & only waited to give you Joy of his being happily restored to you & his Family, as I was confident his Character wou'd secure his Life. — With the most sincere Joy I was Yesterday informed that his Majesty's Pardon has been announced to him & embrace the earliest Opportunity of congratulating you on the happy Event, in which Mrs. Heywood & every one of my Family heartily join. — You have my dear Madam the additional satisfaction of finding your son, notwithstanding the formal sentence passed upon him, perfectly acquitted in the Breast of the Public of the Crime laid to his Charge; & as perfectly guiltless of any thing which can ever prejudice his character as a Man of Honor.

I hope you will not suffer in your Health from the long state of Anxiety which you have experienced, & am with great regard & Esteem dear Madam

your most faithful

  hbl servant

    J: M: Heywood

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