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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 102
James Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 102. Mr. Jas. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector — 17th Oct'r. 1792

My dear Nessy

While I write this Peter is sitting by me making a 'Taheitean Vocabulary & so happy & intent upon it that I have no Opportunity of saying a Word to him. — he thinks however you must be very busy too or you wou'd not deprive us of the Pleasure of paying 4'd. every Morning — you understand me — this is the second Day you have omitted it — I assure you he is at present in excellent Spirits — I am perfectly convinced they are better & better every Day — don't my dear little Ness suppose I tell you this merely to ease your Mind, — No, far from it — you must be certain I am in earnest else I wou'd not write in so light a strain — Adieu dear sister — best Comp'ts. to Mr. & Miss Graham.

& believe me ever

  your most affec't. Brother

    Jas. Heywood

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