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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 85
Nessy Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 85. Miss N. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood.

Coventry — 4th Octr 1792

I have but a Moment to tell you my dearest Mama that we are just arrived here — that James's Cold is better — I am very well, & tho' I have passed three Nights & Days without sleep or rest I scarcely feel a sensation of Fatigue. — I hope you recieved my Letter from Liverpool & that I have hitherto acted as you my dear Mama cou'd wish — at least you will not blame for want of Punctuality

your most dutiful

  & affectionate Daughter

    N: Heywood

Love to all — Oh! tomorrow! —

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