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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 79
John Delafons to Dr. Patrick Scott

No. 79. J: Delafons Esqr. to Dr. Scott.

Gosport — Sepr. 23d 1792


As I call every Day to see Mr. P. Heywood in whose Fate I am anxiously interested, I thought it wou'd be cruel to have persuaded him not to send a Letter he had written to his Sister (after the dreadful sentence of last Tuesday was pronounced) — & on which I found his Mind was bent — I therefore thought it most proper to enclose it under your Cover; & to your Prudence & Circumspection I leave it to be delivered when you think his Sister's Sensibility will not be too much alarmed, — I left my young Friend on board the Hector this Morning in that State of true Fortitude & resignation which his Friends cou'd desire him to be bless'd with in his present melancholy Situations — The Minutes of the Court Martial were Yesterday sent to the Admiralty & no steps can be taken till they accompany the sentence to be laid before his Majesty — whether the Extension of the royal Mercy (which we all hope & expect to be the Effect of the Court's strong recommendation) will be signified immediately, is at present uncertain — Mr. Graham was obliged to go to Town Yesterday. —

I am Sir

  your most ob't.

    hbl'e. serv't.

      J: Delafons

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